Erasing Self-Doubt Journey

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is included in the cost of the journey?

You receive the following:

  • 10 weeks of facilitated discovery, sharing, and profound learning with 5 other tribe members
  • 20 hours of small group coaching (2 hour session each week via zoom)
  • 1 hour of private coaching to help you break through subconscious defenses and get to the deeper origin of self-doubt
  • The highly validated Harrison Paradox Assessment to receive your initial levels on self-esteem and power
  • Precisely planned content videos, insight workbooks and more to accelerate deep self-awareness
  • Tribe forum to connect and share with other members
  • Tribe progress check-in call 3 weeks after completion to ensure continued success
  • Continued access to all materials after the tribe to reinforce your awareness

Have other questions?

You can reach us by email at

or call us at 321-600-4080.