Erasing Self-Doubt Journey

Your Personal Journey To Change Your Thoughts And Behaviors From Within

Erasing Self-Doubt Journey

Small-group coaching that increases your confidence without arrogance.

Erasing Self-Doubt Journey is a powerful, proven small-group coaching journey allowing participants to unlock what is hindering their confidence and power. Self-doubt is a common occurrence that can undermine leaders, executives, and business owners. Often, bright leaders like yourself, seek to improve their communications, increase their influence, possess better executive presence, or improve their self-worth, confidence, and emotional intelligence (EQ). An underlying barrier to all of these is second-guessing your self-worth and confidence. In addition, issues such as perfectionism, imposter syndrome or lack of self-awareness can impact your success. Erasing Self-Doubt Journey enables you to uncover the deeper source of the thoughts and fears that are undermining your success. It guides you in revising your thoughts and beliefs to become a more confident communicator, influencer, leader, or business owner. Past participants say the experience profoundly changed who they are as a leader, parent, partner, and person.

Do Any Of The Following Apply To You?

  1. Do I do too much for others without getting my own needs met?
  2. Do I second guess my decisions or actions and unintentionally undermine my own power?
  3. Do I worry that I can't meet others' expectations?
  4. Do I avoid the spotlight for fear of what others might think?
  5. Do I become unintentionally defensive when receiving critiques because I'm already so critical of myself?
  6. Am I sometimes perceived as arrogant or egotistical when inside I'm wrestling with feelings of uncertainty or inferiority?
  7. Do I suffer from perfectionism which results in burn-out?

Is The Erasing Self-Doubt Journey Right For Me?

With This Small Group Coaching Journey You Will:

  • Learn to see yourself through a more positive lens
  • Stand comfortably in your power without becoming egotistical
  • Reach excellence without burning yourself out
  • Increase your influence and presence
  • Avoid emotional hijacking into fear, anxiety, anger, envy, guilt, and shame.
  • Eliminate self-limiting behaviors
  • Be confident in your decisions
  • Stop reliving past mistakes
  • Express your individuality with confidence

Schedule a Complimentary Call Now to Explore Which Erasing Self-Doubt Journey is Right for You.

Watch The Introductory Video

What Is Included In Your Journey:

  • 10 weeks of facilitated discovery, sharing and profound learning with 5 other tribe members
  • 20 hours of small group coaching (2 hour session each week via Zoom)
  • 1 hour of private coaching to help you break through subconscious defenses and get to the deeper origin of self-doubt
  • The highly validated Harrison Paradox Assessment to receive your initial levels on self-esteem and power
  • Precisely planned content videos, insight workbooks and more to accelerate deep self-awareness
  • Tribe progress check-in call 3 weeks after completion to ensure continued success
  • Continued access to all materials after the tribe to reinforce your awareness

What is Self-Doubt Costing You?

Experience what the Erasing Self-Doubt Journey can do for you.

Schedule a Complimentary Call Now to Determine If You Are a Great Fit to the Experience and Explore Which Erasing Self-Doubt Journey is Right for You

Please note that we do not accept everyone into the journey. We want to ensure that you are ready and will have an incredible experience.

Already Accepted Into An Erasing Self-Doubt Journey? Congratulations!

Woman looking away from a mirror while her reflection looks at her

Deep Insights

As a participant in the journey, you'll discover deep insights that change your thoughts and behaviors from within. You'll start with the highly validated Harrison Assessment to find your current levels of self-esteem, power, and confidence. Then, week by week, you'll follow a carefully planned journey based on decades of successful transformations.
You’ll deepen your self-awareness through journey videos, tailored questions that challenge your thinking, and coaching conversations that reframe your perspectives of self-worth. In just ten weeks, you will become deeply self-aware and increase your self-esteem and confidence. You’ll also raise your emotional intelligence (EQ) and understand others in new ways. This self-awareness will ultimately improve your ability to influence and lead others. It will also increase your professional or executive presence.

The Coaching Tribe

The power of the coaching tribe is realizing that you are not alone. You are in a group of very successful leaders who share your desire to overcome the thoughts and beliefs that undermine your full potential. As you share and reflect, you’ll be amazed at how much you have in common and how your differences provide insights that you could not reach on your own. You’ll eliminate the undue pressure and stress that your second-guessing creates. Each week, you’ll attend a two-hour Zoom coaching session where we challenge each other with different perspectives, share experiences, and celebrate successes. Tribe members gain deep awareness of themselves and others that builds understanding, empathy and admiration. You’ll find you are able to build stronger and more meaningful relationships at work and in your personal life. After the journey, you’ll be surprised at how confidently you reach your work and life goals.

A circle of multi-racial hands on top of one another in the middle

Testmonials From A Few Of Our Clients

Chad Brooks

Plant Manager,
Enova Premier



Plant Manager,
Certainteed Gypsum


Senior Vice President,
Fortune 500 Corporation


Trina D’Amico

Founding Principal,


Monti Becker-Kelly

Chief Revenue Officer


Evan Berrett

Founder & CEO,
Hamilton Testing Services


Lisa Steelman

Florida Institute
of Technology


M. Piniero

Director of Operations,
Healthcare Industry


Steven Farrugia

Founder & CEO,
Sharetree Group


Tom Stark

One Stone Web


Carlann has led me along a personal journey of discovery. This exploration has made me a more effective leader for my organization and a better person. She brings to the table a rare combination of relevant industry background, management experience, and deep leadership development expertise that she shares generously and candidly with the goal of facilitating practical, positive change.


Software Industry


This amazing journey has taken me on the path of self-discovery and enlightenment. I learned the root causes of my fears and understood the survival beliefs that helped me deal with and survive childhood. This journey taught to allow me to appreciate those beliefs while acknowledging that I no longer need them. I learned to appreciate who I was when I established those survival beliefs and who I am today. Thank you Carlann for such an amazing experience.

Remeka Turk

Senior Learning Design Lead,
Delta Air Lines


Before embarking on the Erasing Self Doubt Journey, I didn't fully understand why I have the reactions that I do to certain situations, why I process things the way that I do, or why I am the way that I am/who I am. I just knew that I was holding myself back with self-doubt and destructive mind chatter that distracted me from being the person I wanted to be for myself, in my relationships, and from performing at the level that I knew I was fully capable of professionally.

With Carlann's guidance and alongside the tribe, I was able to unpeel the layers and experiences that have shaped me into the person that I am today & that have formed my beliefs into what they are. Recognizing those things was the first step but learning to appreciate them and to forgive & accept myself was the real breakthrough. Those experiences are what make us who we are and can be our greatest asset if we let them.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to achieve a greater level of self-awareness or anyone that wants to begin the process of knocking down their walls of self-doubt.

Logan Brunkhurst

HR Business Partner,


I had the pleasure to participate in the “Erasing Self Doubt” program this year and cannot thank Carlann enough for this well thought and designed journey. After changing teams and role, I had the famous imposter syndrome, which at that time was blocking my potential and self-confidence. During this program, I learnt about myself and others, my fears and reactions and started some of the tactics that helped me recover the “confidence” or what I call “my best.”

The work with my tribe helped me uncover things that I had not thought about. I realized that being vulnerable was OK and that setting unrealistic bars to yourself is insane. As I write this it is obvious, but it isn’t all the time for many of us.

I highly recommend this program to those willing to deep-dive themselves for improvement both at professional and personal level.
Thank you Carlann for this insightful journey!

Elvira Martin Cañamero

Senior PM,
Tech Sector

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The Erasing Self-Doubt Journey

Experience the Same Profound Changes that Participants
from these Companies have Experienced.